Written by: IELTS I-Ready, 17/2/2025
Marked by: Ex-BC Examiner
(IELTS Academic – 15/2/2025)
Question: The diagram below shows the plan for a proposed new town.
The diagram illustrates the layout of a proposed new settlement.
Overall, the town is planned in a concentric zone model with various accessibility options. Additionally, most municipal amenities will be centralized at the town’s core, while residential areas will be spread around the town and industrial regions will be positioned at the outskirts.
The heart of the town will lie a square centre, with bus stations and parking lots around its edges, which will be surrounded by housing and recreational establishments. Furthermore, a ring road will encircle these amenities, which will also facilitate movement to the town’s core by five roads dividing the central region into five blocks.
The outer region of the town will comprise various sections, facilitating additional residential areas and two industrial zones, which will be placed at the top left and bottom right corners. Moreover, additional leisure areas will be located in the top and bottom section. Finally, a network of roads will be distributed for transport in and out of town, separating the outskirts into distinct clusters.
(172 words)