Written by: IELTS I-Ready, 5/1/2025
Marked by: Ex-BC Examiner
(IELTS Academic – 4/1/2025)
Question: The chart below shows the donations given to six different types of charity by one company from 2012 to 2014.
The bar graph compares the amount of financial support from a firm across different charitable fields, from 2012 to 2014.
Overall, most types of charity received more funds from this company over the period, except for the environment which declined, and education which remained fairly stable. Notably, the amount of money that the company donated to social welfare dominated throughout.
Regarding the sectors that received more donations over the period, the company granted approximately $22,000 in 2012 for social welfare; despite a dip of around $7,000 in 2013, its fund recovered to nearly $25,000 a year later. Health and wildlife received roughly $6,000 and $3,000 initially, respectively, after which the donation for each field increased progressively by around $1,000 to $2,000 every year. Charity for arts documented an identical amount of approximately $3,000 in the first two years, prior to a sudden rise to about $4,500 in 2014.
As for the remaining charities, the donations for education decreased from roughly $8,000 to $6,000 from 2012 to 2013. Subsequently, it bounced back to its starting amount. Finally, environment received a similar amount as education in 2012. After dropping to $5,000 in the following year, a recovery of about $2,000 was recorded in 2014.
(202 words)