Written by: IELTS I-Ready, 20/1/2025
Marked by: Ex-BC Examiner
(IELTS Academic – 18/1/2025)
Question: Directors and managers of organisations are often older people. Some people say that it is better for younger people to be leaders. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
While traditionally, mature employees are often appointed to managerial positions, many believe that younger individuals can more effectively lead a company. I mostly agree with this notion as young managers are more open to initiatives and they may have higher passion than their older counterparts; however, their insufficient experience may be a cause of concern.
One valid argument for my agreement is that the leadership by young individuals may bring many efficient innovations to an organisation. Unlike older executives who often possess conservative working styles and fear of changes, young ones are more adaptable and daring to apply new practices or technologies which may be conducive to remaining a company’s competitiveness in this ever-evolving global market. For example, the 90s-born leaders are more willing to leverage digital marketing on Facebook or Instagram to boost their sales figures, thus increasing customer engagement and elevating brand’s awareness.
Moreover, I also maintain that young executives are more enthusiastic than their older colleagues. Youths, often characterised by their energetic nature, may show a stronger business commitment and put more effort in guiding their team to success. This may reduce work exhaustion amongst the company and motivate other team members to excel as they may regard their supervisor as a role model, eventually increasing work efficiency.
Nevertheless, I concede that younger managers may lack the depth of experience needed when encountering complex challenges. Situations like negotiation, employee relations or responses to political turbulence may require profound personal connections, or thorough knowledge of geopolitical precedents which are often obtained through years of working.
In conclusion, young people embrace many valuable personal traits, including their innate openness to novel ideas and higher eagerness to contribute, which is largely why I consider more capable leaders. Nonetheless, I admit that they might be devoid of a good level of experience to address certain issues. Fortunately, this can be curbed by assigning a team of competent and experienced consultants to advise them on business matters. (315 words)